Monthly Review

I've shared some thoughts on my mental model for productivity in the post about my weekly review.
My monthly review is a bit more abstract and asking the question are we heading in the right direction?.

You can find the weekly review below and the markdown here on GitHub.

πŸ—“πŸŒ™ Monthly Review Template

Date & Time

If possible, change your physical environment to allow for a context-switch. At home: work from a different room, play different background music, etc.

πŸ”š Review

It’s a system check for the aircraft. Take things on a more meta-level: Are we heading in the right direction?

πŸ₯… Goals

A goal is a recognizable, desired state in the future, that causes you to act differently in the present in order to realize it.

  • [ ] Read previous monthly review

Did I accomplish my previous goals? What did go right? What did go wrong? In which category do those goals fit?

πŸ“…Yearly Planning / Goal Crafting

Open Review and Planning Mindmap

  • [ ] Check on lead and lag measures
  • [ ] Check my quarterly plan [[πŸ“—πŸŒ™ Monthly Review - Logbook/Quarterly Planning with Pangolin Bros]]

Yearly Theme

  • [ ] Read through yearly theme as an inspiration.

Seasonal Theme

  • [ ] Read through seasonal theme as an inspiration.

🎭 Mental Health

How did I feel during the month? Did I take care of my mental health?
Mood tracker: Which patterns can I detect? What can I do about it?

πŸ”œ Going Forward

Where are we going?

πŸ₯… Goals

Outline the goal for the month. How do they connect to my yearly and quarterly goals?

How are you gonna make sure that you achieve those goals? Can you break them down for the weekly review? Create a project and tasks in your project management systems?

πŸ“† Plan the Month

  • [ ] Any big events/trips planned? Plan them and schedule them!